Luxury Lifestyle

The Most Expensive Cigars in The World

The Most Expensive Cigars in The World regius-cigars-black

A common display of wealth and confidence, cigars can certainly be a source of enjoyment that grants a luxurious and exquisite experience!
Dig into the extravagant world of indulgent tobacco with this list of the most expensive cigars in the world!




1- Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar



The Most Expensive Cigars in The World Royal-Courtesan-Cigars-edited-1140x626


The Gurkha Royal Courtesan takes the premium cigar category to a whole new level, costing the astonishing value of 1 million dollars.
Each cigar is infused with Remy Martin’s Black Pearl Louis XIII (165,000$ per bottle), the rolls use ultra-rare stuffing from the Himalayas, and, to ensure the highest quality possible, the master rollers are blindfolded, focusing solely on their art.
The unique characteristics presented grant this product the first place in our list of the most expensive cigars in the world.


2- Mayan Sicars



This Mayan Sicars are to be saved for a very special occasion as they definitely are one of a kind! Believed to be about 600 years old, this treat was discovered by a team of archaeologists.
Asserted to be perfectly safe for consumption, the entire collection was sold by the voluminous amount of $507,000.


3- Double Corona Regius Cigars


The Most Expensive Cigars in The World regius-cigars-black

Callum Jones bought the special edition Double Corona created by Regius Cigars Ltd for $54,000 a cigar. In this deal, Mr. Jones did not only get flavorful merchandise but also a taste of the production process with an escorted tour of their Nicaragua factory.


4- Gran Habano #5 El Gigante


The Most Expensive Cigars in The World Gurkha Royal Courtesan Cigar

Approximately equivalent to 25,000 regular cigarettes, “The Giant” measures an astounding 19 feet long by 3 feet wide. It was purchased by an unidentified buyer for $185,000.


5- Gurkha Black Dragon


The Most Expensive Cigars in The World Gurkha Black Dragon

The handcrafted camel bone box is the perfect package for 100 cigarettes with a unique flavor that makes the delights of any cigar connoisseurs. The price of the box justifies its position in the list of the most expensive cigars in the world: $115,000 per box.


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