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Summer outdoor lighting ideas

Summer is approaching so fast and it’s important to prepare your home for the long nights. Today we present you the best suggestions of outdoor lighting to light up your outdoor in the upcoming season.

Decorative Lighting

Outdoor decorative lighting has the potential to reclaim large swaths of your backyard from the grip od darkness and allow you and your family the ability to enjoy it. For instance, as it stands, once night falls your warm, inviting pergola transforms into a hulking structure more closely resembles a set from a horror movie, but with string lighting, or even a hanging chandelier, you can completely remake the nighttime look of your favorite daytime structure.

Summer outdoor lighting ideas decorative lighting

Landscape Lighting Ideas

Anyone who has ever tried on an outfit in a department store fitting room to good effect only to get home to realize that they were the victim of favorable lighting can tell you, lighting matters. This is particularly true of your landscape lighting, which gives you the power to highlight your favorite flower while hiding the disappointing efforts of your latest cactus.

Floating Candles
Reflected in the liquid’s shimmering surface, the flickers of a candle’s flame appear doubly radiant and twice as beautiful. Floating candles add instant atmosphere to a casual summer table, and with our technique, you can create lots of them in only a couple of hours.

Hanging Lanterns

Cast a warm glow from above. A midsummer night’s meal is served on the lawn under tall maple trees strung with lanterns hanging on chains from strong branches. Small and large, these lamps hold ivory tapers, their bases disappearing in a thick layer of fresh, fragrant rose petals.

Summer outdoor lighting ideas decorative hanging

What do you think about our suggestions? Share your oppinion on comments box!

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